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#4 Find Connections: Conversa com Carlos Sacomani, CMIO no A.C.Camargo Cancer Center


Digital Health: Transforming Medical Care


The digital revolution has impacted various sectors, and medicine is no exception. The integration of technologies, such as telemedicine and artificial intelligence, has transformed the way healthcare professionals and patients interact. In this exclusive interview, Dr. Carlos Sacomani, a renowned physician and digital health specialist, shares valuable insights into this constantly evolving scenario.

Telemedicine: A Need Accelerated by the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine, providing a viable alternative for remote consultations. Dr. Carlos highlights how the ease of access to video conferencing platforms has transformed the dynamics of consultations, becoming an essential tool for the continuity of medical care.

"Telemedicine has brought medical teams closer to patients, making healthcare more human, especially in situations like home care and caregiver support."

Challenges of Technology in Medicine

The growing dependence on artificial intelligence, big data, and analytics in medicine brings unique challenges. Dr. Carlos emphasizes the importance of validating algorithms and ensuring that healthcare professionals are involved in the creation and application of these technologies. The dilemma between the effectiveness of technology and maintaining the human touch in medicine is discussed, emphasizing the need for balance.

"The challenge is not to lose the humanism in medical care. Technology can either humanize or distance the patient, depending on how it is used."

The Gap in Professional Training: Medicine and Technology

A significant challenge identified by Dr. Carlos is the shortage of professionals with skills in both medicine and technology. Digital medicine requires a hybrid profile capable of integrating knowledge from these two areas. The lack of specific courses and a consolidated education in this field creates an urgent need for adaptation in educational curricula.

"We need professionals who understand healthcare and are trained to operate in the digital environment. Medical education needs to adapt to this new reality."


Digital health is shaping the future of medicine, providing significant advancements but also presenting unique challenges. The search for hybrid professionals capable of integrating medical expertise with technological innovations is essential to drive digital transformation in the healthcare sector. The balance between technology and humanism remains the key to delivering efficient and compassionate medical care in an ever-evolving digital era.



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