Consultoria Headhunter Find HR

#3 Find Connections: Conversa com Maurício Cataneo


Exploring Maurício Cataneo's Journey: Between the Tatami and the Corporate World Introduction


In an inspiring afternoon, Cláudio Guerreiro, partner and CEO of Find HR, hosted Maurício Cataneo, a renowned executive and high-performance athlete, for a conversation in the third Find Connections. Cataneo shared his rich experience of over 30 years in the corporate world and over 40 as an athlete. In this feature, we will explore the valuable insights from this revealing conversation.

The Essence of Judo in Professional Life

Cataneo highlighted how his journey began with judo at the age of 8. This Japanese martial art not only taught fighting techniques but also instilled fundamental values such as discipline, resilience, and teamwork.

"Judo is a Japanese martial art with profound values. The first lesson is to learn how to fall, dealing with frustrations and anxieties from an early age."

Personal Development and Goals

The journey in judo involved pursuing degrees and competitions. Cataneo emphasized the importance of setting goals, learning to lose, and, above all, focusing on being the best version of oneself each day.

"Victory is a snapshot in your life, but what you build on top of it is what really matters."

Parallels Between the Tatami and the Corporate Environment

While sharing his experiences, Cataneo highlighted how skills developed in judo, such as dealing with adversity and maintaining a winning mindset, can be applied in the professional world.

"In competition, you need to adapt your strategy. The same happens in a boardroom. Discipline and a winning mentality are crucial."

Chair Changes and the Continuous Pursuit of Development

Cataneo talked about his transitions in the corporate world, comparing changing chairs to being promoted in judo belts. He stressed the importance of seeking opportunities and always being willing to learn.

"The definition of a black belt is simple: it's a white belt that never gave up."

Reflecting on the Journey

Exploring Maurício Cataneo's rich history, it is evident that his life is a testament to resilience, continuous learning, and a constant pursuit of excellence. His transition from the tatami to the corporate world reveals not only adaptability but also determination in the face of defeat. Cataneo highlights how the defeat in a qualifying round for the student world championship was the catalyst for his foray into the professional world.

"I understand a defeat, but I don't accept defeat. What will I learn from this defeat? What do I need to improve to change this scenario next time?"

From Defeat to Plan B

At the age of 17, after losing all fights in a crucial qualifier, Cataneo found himself at a crossroads. This defeat, which initially seemed like the end of an Olympic dream, became the starting point for his Plan B. Determined not to be defeated in life, Cataneo entered the corporate world, starting his professional journey in accounting.

"This defeat put me into my Plan B, which became Plan A. I never accepted it like that. I understand a defeat, but I don't accept defeat."

Persistence and Professional Development

The shift to accounting was just the beginning. Cataneo shares how his innate curiosity and willingness to take on challenges led him to tackle tough tasks early in his career. His determination to learn more, develop leadership skills, and speak the language of business propelled him through various positions, from account executive to operations leader.

"I've always been very curious, a bit audacious. I want more, I need to learn more. I'm the first to arrive, I'm the last to leave. You can count on me."

Victories and Achievements in Both Worlds

Throughout his journey, Cataneo not only achieved victories in the corporate world but also accumulated significant achievements in sports. He shares the thrilling narrative of a victory against the Argentine world champion in a Pan-American, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and recognizing the opponent.

"One of the great thrills of my life was having the recognition of the world champion's coach at that moment when I was better than him."


Maurício Cataneo's inspiring story takes us on a journey of defeats transformed into opportunities, resilience shaped by passion, and a balanced life between the tatami and the boardroom. His life philosophy, rooted in the constant pursuit of learning and improvement, resonates as a powerful reminder that, regardless of challenges, persistence and dedication can lead to remarkable achievements in all aspects of life.



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