Consultoria Headhunter Find HR

#13 Find Connections: Conversa com Técia Caetano, CEO da iByte


Leadership Lessons and Continuous Learning with Técia Caetano 


In this enlightening interview, Técia Caetano, CEO of iByte, shared valuable lessons on leadership and the constant pursuit of learning. Her words provide inspiring insights for professionals and entrepreneurs.

Learning from Others

Técia emphasized the importance of surrounding oneself with inspiring individuals. This collaborative mindset has contributed to her professional and personal growth.

"I've always sought to be close to people from whom I could learn. You become the average of the people around you." 

Physical and Mental Balance

The iByte CEO highlighted the need for balance in all areas of life. The threefold approach reflects her deep understanding of the interconnection between physical well-being, mental health, and spirituality.

"Maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual balance is crucial. If one leg of the tripod fails, the others can be affected."  

Personal Challenges

Técia shared her experiences venturing outside her comfort zone. The willingness to face the unknown demonstrates her mindset of constant learning.

"I learned kitesurfing and am currently learning to play the piano. Challenges outside the comfort zone are essential for growth."

Competition vs. Leisure

Avoiding competition in her hobbies is a conscious choice for Técia. This approach reflects not only her lifestyle but also the understanding that leisure moments should be opportunities to disconnect from daily stress.

"The goal is for learning and fun, not more stress."

Plans at 50

With an exciting vision for the future, Técia shared her plans at 50. These goals highlight her commitment to personal growth, regardless of age.

"I want to celebrate my birthday by playing two songs and practicing kitesurfing. These are personal challenges that bring meaning."


The interview reveals not only Técia's professional journey but also the unique and balanced approach she applies to life. Her experiences and vision inspire the ongoing pursuit of learning and the importance of personal challenges for significant development.



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